about coach chanera



My Story

I started in fitness in 2017 while battling depression and trying to find myself. I was married and had a great career as a juvenile probation officer, but I was miserable. Fitness became my outlet. In 2018 I began going through a divorce and financial hardship, fitness was still my release. I got so passionate about it that I began to help other women in their own journey’s. But somewhere a long the way I lost myself and became discontent. I started searching for my purpose. But where was God in all this? Glad you asked. Because you can not find your purpose outside of God. I began to seek His will for my life. I was missing the most important component, His guidance, His instructions, His Love…etc.

I learned that my true transformation was the renewing of my mind through Christ Jesus not the physical one I had been seeking. While God wants me to take care of my physical body (because it is His temple) it is more important to take care of my spirit (heart), and soul (mind). The same discipline I applied to physical training is the same discipline I must apply to my relationship connection to the Father. And from this in 2021 God gave me Faith x Fitness.

Free Wellness session

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“Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.”

-Coach Chanera